Venturing into the realm of functional mushrooms, I was eager to uncover their various health benefits. What truly surprised me was the unexpected improvement in my respiratory health. A few weeks into regularly taking Reishi, I noticed a significant difference in my breathing, particularly during my cardio sessions. This personal revelation led me to further explore Reishi's potential benefits for lung health.

Yes, Reishi mushroom is known for its beneficial effects on the lungs. It supports respiratory health through its immune-boosting, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, enhancing lung function and providing relief from various respiratory conditions.

What Is Reishi Mushroom and How Does It Work?

 reishi mushroom in jar

Reishi, known scientifically as Ganoderma lucidum, is a powerful adaptogenic mushroom that contains a variety of bioactive compounds, including triterpenoids and polysaccharides.

These compounds work together to boost immune function, support liver health, reduce inflammation, reduce cortisol and even improve gut health. With a long history in Eastern medicine, Reishi has been utilized for centuries for its health-enhancing benefits, promoting vitality and longevity.

Reishi's Impact on Respiratory Health

How Does Reishi Mushroom Support Lung Function?

Reishi's support for lung function is grounded in its rich composition of bioactive compounds like triterpenoids and polysaccharides, which have been shown to play a significant role in promoting respiratory health.

These compounds contribute to anti-inflammatory and immune-modulating effects within the lung tissue, helping to alleviate symptoms associated with respiratory conditions such as asthma and bronchitis.

Research suggests that Reishi can enhance the body's production of natural killer cells and macrophages, important components of the immune system that help to clear pathogens and reduce inflammation in the lungs.

This immune support, coupled with Reishi's antioxidant properties, helps protect lung cells from damage and supports overall respiratory efficiency, making breathing easier and more comfortable.

The Role of Reishi in Managing Respiratory Conditions

Reishi's role in managing respiratory conditions extends beyond its bioactive compounds, offering a multifaceted approach to respiratory health. In conditions like chronic bronchitis and asthma, where inflammation and immune response are key factors, Reishi's anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory effects can be particularly beneficial.

By reducing inflammation in the airways, Reishi can help alleviate the chronic cough and discomfort associated with bronchitis. For asthma sufferers, Reishi may aid in decreasing hypersensitivity reactions, leading to fewer asthma attacks and less reliance on traditional inhalers and medications. Additionally, its antioxidant properties help combat oxidative stress, a contributing factor in many respiratory diseases. 

How to Use Reishi for Respiratory Health

how to use reishi properly

To effectively incorporate Reishi into your wellness routine for lung health, it's crucial to find the right dosage that works for you. A good starting point is a moderate dose of 1.5g to 2g. Based on how your body responds, you can consider adjusting the amount up to 9g if need be. It's important to listen to your body and make changes if needed to ensure you're receiving optimal benefits from Reishi.

Most people prefer to take Reishi at night as Reishi can help with the onset of sleep, yet some prefer to take reishi in the morning with breakfast mainly for its immune system support.

Our cacao lattes are specially formulated with this in mind, offering a perfect dose of Reishi within the recommended range. These lattes provide a convenient and delicious way to enjoy the respiratory benefits of Reishi, along with the added health advantages of other adaptogens and ingredients in the blend. See our full range here.

Cacao Latte range

Scientific Evidence Supporting Reishi's Benefits for Lungs

A 2021 study "Rationalization of mushroom-based preventive and therapeutic approaches to COVID-19" by MA Rahman, MS Rahman, NMB Bashir, and others, examines the potential of edible and medicinal mushrooms, including Reishi, in addressing SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19.

According to this review, Reishi mushrooms are highlighted as significant subjects for ongoing research into natural preventive strategies against such viral infections

A 2020 study looked into how a protein from Reishi mushrooms can help with lung inflammation. Simply put, the study found that the protein from Reishi mushrooms could help calm down inflammation in the lungs by keeping certain immune cells in check, making it a potentially helpful natural option for lung health. 

Another study looked at how Reishi mushrooms (Ganoderma lucidum) might be a natural alternative for lung cancer treatment due to their major components like terpenes, polysaccharides, and proteins.

Essentially, the study suggests that Reishi mushrooms could help regulate the behavior of lung cancer cells, potentially offering a natural therapy option with fewer side effects than conventional treatments. 

FAQs on Reishi and Lung Health

woman taking a deep breath as reishi has helped her lung health

Can Reishi Help with Asthma and Allergies?

Evidence suggests that Reishi may offer relief for those with asthma and allergies by modulating the immune response and reducing inflammation.

Is Reishi Beneficial for Smokers or Those with COPD?

For smokers and individuals with COPD (Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), Reishi may provide respiratory support, though it's not a substitute for medical treatment.

How Long Does It Take to Notice Respiratory Benefits from Reishi?

Noticing respiratory benefits from Reishi can vary, with some individuals seeing improvements in a few weeks, while others may take longer. Consistency is crucial for optimal results.

Is it OK to take Reishi every day for lung health?

Yes, taking Reishi daily is generally considered safe and can contribute to overall lung health by supporting the immune system and reducing inflammation in the respiratory system. However, it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have underlying conditions.

Can Reishi and Lion's Mane be taken together for enhanced respiratory function?

Combining Reishi with Lion's Mane can enhance respiratory health benefits, as both possess properties that support lung function and reduce inflammation. This combination can be particularly beneficial for cognitive function and respiratory health. Our Immunity Warrior Cacao Latte blend combines these two powerful adaptogens. 

Who should avoid taking Reishi for lung health?

Individuals with autoimmune diseases, those pregnant or breastfeeding, and anyone on blood-thinning medications should consult a healthcare provider before taking Reishi, due to its immune-modulating and blood-thinning properties.

What are the best ways to take Reishi for its respiratory benefits?

Reishi is most beneficial in extract form, offering a concentrated dose of its active compounds for enhanced absorption and efficacy. Our cacao latte blends use mushroom extracts to ensure you get the maximum health benefits.

Wrap Up

Reishi mushroom stands as a testament to the power of nature in supporting lung health and overall well-being. At Tonik Fusion, our cacao latte blends, infused with Reishi and other adaptogens, offer a delicious way to harness these benefits. Visit our Cacao Latte shop here. 


Disclaimer:  The information provided in this article should not be used as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The statements contained herein have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Before adding Reishi to your health and wellness routine, talk to a health care professional about the potential benefits, side effects, and uses of this mushroom.

February 25, 2024 — Liz Schiller